Tony’s Water Reverse Osmosis Systems



Benefits Of Alkaline Water

A reverse osmosis system will remove all contaminants from tap water. That carry bacteria, viruses, and chemicals. The benefits of alkaline water can flush your entire system ‘including your kidneys.

I have discovered a serious problem that we are having with our city water treatment centers. ‘I have found out that they are recycling sewage water and sending it right back to us to drink.

‘Do not drink tap water because not only does it contain E. coli that comes from sewage water.

There are also hundreds of other contaminants. These contaminants are dangerous to your health. ‘And ‘is advisable not to drink water from your faucet.


 I blog about water purification and the dangers of drinking tap water. And I also blog about our gov.

lying to us about our history. Columbus never discovered America. The Egyptians were here first. Read more.

Our city water treatment centers are recycling sewage water and sending it right back to us.

And they only treat it with chlorine and other chemicals ‘saying this will clean the water.

It may look clean cause that’s what chlorine does. Yet, the metals, chemicals, and contamination remain in the water.

Cleaning it with chemicals does not kill or remove contaminants. All it does is get bleached by chlorine, alum, and other chemicals.

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Do you believe in ghosts, demons, and spirits?
Do you believe in ghosts, demons, and spirits?

And these dangerous chemicals remain in the water. Plus, our pipes are over a hundred years old. ‘This is part of the reason it has metals in the water. The reasons are simple.

They cannot afford a reverse osmosis water filtration system. Because it would be too expensive to buy and maintain, replacing filters every six months or so.

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‘So, it is not wise or safe to drink water from your faucet. Because tap water contains more than a hundred contaminants. As you can see. These pipes are full of calcium and magnesium.

That is why it is accumulating to a rotting point or cracking.

So, any water that goes through those pipes. And not only full of contaminants. But Is full of metals which are dangerous to your health.


PFAS Contamination of Drinking Water Far More Prevalent Than Previously Reported

These are some of the contaminants to name a few.

Metals like Magnesium, Copper, Lead, Aluminum, Calcium, Lead, Iron, and Zinc. Diseases like Bone disease, Gastrointestinal disease, Heliobacteria pylori,

Gastric cancer, and the list goes on. If they would at least buy a water filtration system instead of using chlorine to clean sewage water it would be much better.


Exposing The Government’s National Parks Deepest Secrets

But from the sea. They have already created a system that can do that already. But there is that but, it is too expensive and they are too cheap to buy it. So that the company saves money.




Like it says on the link above. Tap water is sewage water treated with chlorine and other chemicals. No, tap water is not safe to drink. Because it has more than a hundred contaminants, and it’s recycled sewage water.

Also, sewage water has E. coli in it, and the city water treatment systems can not remove all the contaminants. E. coli comes from animal and human waste. This is why you will get E.coli if you drink it. E. coli is a deadly disease. 

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They use chemicals to whiten the water, and it’s not good enough. Furthermore, tap water contains all these contaminants. like Calcium, but not the kind you find in a banana or milk.

It also has many viruses and diseases.  Which are Hepatitis C gastrointestinal disease.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, Helicobacter pylori, E-Coli that comes from animal and human waste. But when you invest in water purification systems.

E. coli is a deadly disease that comes from animal and human waste. And I advise you not to drink tap water because it will be cancerous to your health.

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with a reverse osmosis system, all contaminants “will be ‘removed. “Including the E. coli. Reverse osmosis systems will produce a high-quality alkaline ph. ‘level from 7 to 14.

That is why alkaline water is the best kind of purified water you will ever need. Bottled water is not purified with reverse osmosis. They only boil their water.

But alkaline water is pure and nutritional for your body. It will clean your whole system out of the acidic cells in your body. Plus, it will flush your kidneys and the entire system.

Exposing The New World Order

Exposing The New World Order

Doctors all over the world are now recommending alkaline water. So you can achieve excellent optimal health. Alkaline water measures anywhere from 7 to 14 on a pH level. To define what alkaline water is.

Thus, we must first refer to the ph. Level in which is (Hydrogen potential) pure alkaline water. 

Alkaline water is ionized water that acts as a powerful and natural antioxidant. ‘With the ability to help the body remove acidic cells. “Which is produced by your digestive system.

Simple procedures such as boiling your water. Or ‘the use of carbon filters is not good enough. Because they do not remove contaminants from your water. And catches rust from copper. lead and all the metals like aluminum, copper, iron, calcium, and magnesium.

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Thus, when you are boiling water, “It will kill some of the bacteria. And will also kill’ the good minerals in the water. And the leads and metals will only be multiplied and stay in the water.

Furthermore, you are still drinking these metals and contaminants.” Even” natural fresh spring water was considered safe years in the 1800s. But now it must be tested. “Because of pesticides and herbicides from farming, and agriculture.


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Furthermore, reverse osmosis systems will produce alkaline water.  Thus, with antioxidants on a high pH level.

Alkaline water will neutralize the acidic cells from your body. It will also heal ulcers, gastric problems, and more.

Alkaline is a powerful antioxidant that delays aging.  Furthermore, eliminates toxic waste and improves your digestive system back to optimal health.

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Thus, regulates and balances the pH level of your body. It will Prevent disease by increasing the oxygenation cells in your body. Using a reverse osmosis purifier will purify and will produce pure alkaline water.

 Also, water purification purifiers will remove inorganic materials and biological contaminants. Thus, the purpose of water purification.

Is to provide pure good-quality alkaline water. Water purification also meets the needs of medical, pharmacological, chemical, and industrial companies.


Plastic Bottled Water

As you can see, I did a chemical test on a bottle of water. It turned yellow because it is acidic. However, the test on alkaline water turns blue or purple because it is pure and safe to drink.

In addition, the FDA approves this. Otherwise, they would not have let them through the market, right? Wrong!

Also, CNN has already mentioned that it is not a good idea to leave your bottled water in a hot car. Or in hot storage areas.

The Anunnaki Discovery

Thus, the reason why is that plastic Is, made with an industrial chemical called BPA. Bisphenol-A. BPA was considered safe by the FDA half a decade ago, but now recent research has found it to be very cancerous.

Yes, it will cause cancer once it leaks into your water after it’s been drunk. It will make you sick to your stomach. I took a picture in the summertime of a storefront with hundreds of cases outside in the hot sun!



.Thus, here is the picture above of all those cases of water they left in the hot summer sun, on hot pavement. Who knows where else those cases of water have been? What about when they are delivered in a hot 18-wheeler tractor-trailer?

And for so many hours or days to reach its destination. Besides, you do not know how long these bottles of water have been cooking in the hot sun or not. “This will result in you getting cancer from the leakage of the BPA in your water.


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Let me tell you a secret. How do you know if someone is hating on you for no reason at all and how can you tell they are hating? Here is the answer. They are mostly called Bipolar people.

They hate because they grew up with a miserable childhood life and feel the world owes them something.

These are sometimes your very own friends who will stab you in the back. By ridiculing you, slandering your name, telling you you aren’t good enough to write content lol. I heard that one before.

Trying to play with your mind, give you the runaround. And it just keeps on going like a vicious cycle.

The Annunaki Discovery.

Who are the Annunaki? And Who is Lilith?

Who Is Lilith?
 Who Is Lilith?

And when they speak or text to you, they will also play with your mind which is are petty ways from human error negative behavior to stay on top of things.

They are also the liars, and cheaters of this world and now it is overpopulated with so much deceit and confusion that it is resulting even in war. That what is going on now days.

And not to mention how young punks who grow up thinking they know everything and disrespect their parents and who ever they meet. Need I say more cause I can. lol. 

So, yes, be careful with jealous haters out there who tend to be negative towards the world and themselves. What a waste of mind when they use it for deceit and not originality.

In fact when someone plays tit for tat games with you it usually because they are jealous of your intelligence. And they want to bring you down to their level.

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Find out how even before birth

I wish they could grow up and realize what reality is about. But they lack not only understanding and knowledge.

But are constantly complaining about someone or torturing them with verbal verbal abuse. Who needs those kind of friends when you can do bad alone.

Be careful because jealousy killed Able by his own step brother. That is right Cain was Satan’s son from Adam’s first wife Lilith according to the banned book from the bible.

The book of Enoch and the Giants Genesis: 6:4. And the son’s of God came unto the daughters of men and married them. And bore children called the Nephilim.

Giant Cyclops skeleton found in India



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What Is Hard Water

What Is Hard Water
What Is Hard Water


Hard water has a lot of dangerous chemicals like Magnesium, calcium, iron, arsenic, and the list goes on. It will also cause erosion to the underground pipes. Tap water is dangerous to drink because it contains more than a hundred contaminants. Thus, drinking tap water from your faucet is not a good idea.

The screw-on filters are what people buy cause it is cheaper and are not good enough. Because it is not a reverse osmosis filtration system. And will not remove all contaminants.

Our city water treatment centers are recycling sewage water. They are cleaning it with chlorine and other chemicals. so that it can be drinkable. But it is not safe to drink. It also contains E. coli that comes from animal and human waste. And E. coli will cause some serious infections. To the point that it will kill you.

Are You God’s Chosen?


Yes, E. coli comes from recycled sewage water, and not a good idea to drink that kind of water. E. coli is a disease that comes from animal and human waste.







One of the chemicals that they use to make the inside protective layer for your bottled water is BPA. It was, considered safe to drink like 40 years ago by the FDA. Yet recent research and studies came up with results showing it will cause cancer.

Especially when left in a hot car the heat will melt down the BPA and will leak into your water. So, again, it has proven to give you cancer. Because when it overheats, the BPA will leak into your water, thus giving you cancer if you drink that water.


Exposing The Government’s National Park’s Deepest Secrets.

I am exposing the secrets our Government has kept from us for thousands of years.


Bottle Water Is Acidic

Thus, when water is chemically tested, and turns yellow. But alkaline water will come out blue or purple depending on its alkalinity.


This bottle of Niagara water turned yellow because it is acidic. indicating that it is acidic. Acidic cells are housing for cancer cells to grow. All bottled water is acidic. I have tested just about all of the brand-name bottled water and they are all acidic. So this being found out, I decided to buy myself a 5-stage reverse osmosis purifier.




Chemical tests show that when water turns blue or darker it is pure alkaline. When the water turns blue it means that it is alkaline anywhere from 7 to 14 on the TDS scale. Alkaline water will also kill all acidic cells that our housing cancer cells to live and grow.

There is another processing food that cancer loves to thrive and grow in too. And that is sugar. Sugar is the no. 1 killer because it is the most addictive drug but the worst. After all, you eat it every day.

When I stopped eating sugar I went from 200 pounds to 150 back to my normal weight. I often used honey instead of sugar which is naturally sweet and not like table sugar.

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Website Owner: Tony C
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Purifying Water Electronic Systems

Purifying Water Electronic Systems
Purifying Water Electronic Systems


Purifying Your Water With Reverse Osmosis

We must drink alkaline water to sustain and maintain our good health. Also. drinking alkaline water is Important for your body and will help flush out all acidic cells. ‘Because acidic cells are housing for cancer cells to grow. And most bottled water and other drinks are ‘acidic as well. So be careful what you drink. Bottled water is acidic.

Find out why the book of Enoch was banned. One reason why is that Adam had 2 wives. According to the book of Enoch. His first wife was called Lilith. In Genesis 1:27 God created both male and female.

There has been a recent study about BPA in plastic. It is added to plastic to make it firm. It is also supposed to be the protective layer of the inside bottles and cans, paper plates, cups, and TV dinner plates. Warning. Recent studies showed that BPA is not overheating-resistant like it is supposed to be. ‘Once it leaks due to overheating. ‘The BPA will ‘leak into your water, soda, ‘tv ‘dinner, etc. 

Why it is not safe to drink tap water?

‘Because tap water contains more than a hundred contaminants and will be dangerous to your health. Also, the city water treatment centers are recycling sewage water that can and will be detrimental to your health. Moreover, tap water has over a hundred contaminants.

To name a few: they are also bacterial infections that will eat away the lining of your stomach and intestinal infections that will turn into cancer. Tap water can and will give you cancer. Because of the hundreds of contaminants it holds. Here are a few to name.

Gastrointestinal disease,

Helicobacter pylori,

Gastric cancer,




Fecal Coliforms, and lots more.

Therefore we must test our groundwater. Because of farming pesticides and herbicides. These chemicals have sunk deep into the ground and contaminated the water. Developing into methane gas in saturated areas.

 Find out who Adam’s first wife was, according to the book of Enoch, her name was Lilith.
And why is the Illuminati worshiping her as the Goddess of the underworld?

You can also blame chemical waste dumping when they bury their toxic waste chemicals in the ground. And now they have another way to get rid of toxic waste. And that is to burn it. Emitted into the air, thus turning into pollution. If it’s not one thing it’s the other.

Consequently, people have died from drinking contaminated water containing E-Coli, and animal and human waste. Reports ‘from the members of the Grocery Manufacturers Association. The tainted food has cost the food industry billions of dollars in recalls, lost sales, and legal expenses

When the farming agriculture industry started to grow its crops. There were a lot of insects and bugs eating up the crops. So they added pesticides and herbicides. Thus, not only did it kill bugs but it is dangerous to our health as well. Again, thus we must test all water whether groundwater, steam, or rivers.

Is Any Kind Of Water Safe to Drink?

I can tell you right now that if your bottled water gets overheated in your car or storage area. The BPA will leak into your water and cause you to get cancer. ‘This was found out by CNN news as well. Not a good idea to drink bottled water once it’s ‘been’ left in a hot car or storage area.

In addition, I saw cases of bottled water lying on hot pavement in the hot sun outside a grocery store. In the second place, they had nowhere else to stock them. Consequently, hundreds of cases except outside the whole day every day ‘Wow! Again, as you can see. I did a chemical test and, as a result, all bottled water turns yellow because it’s acidic. Once again, acidic water is ‘the housing for cancer cells to live and grow.


Next, would be alkaline water that turns purple or blue depending on its alkalinity. And’ reaches a pH’ level from 7 to 14 on the alkaline scale.

So, I was tested to prove to myself which bottled water was better. Furthermore, coming to find out they are all the same in one. ‘Because the test always shows the water to be acidic as well. Furthermore, I would not be drinking any other kind of bottled water or machine water. Subsequently, alkaline water is the best quality pure water for human consumption.


Our city pipes and farming herbicides

Events are happening in our environment today that are coming through pipes. ‘Agricultural farming, heavy rains, floods, droughts, and more. Farming can bring in chemicals like herbicides and pesticides. Floods carry contaminants long distances into your water supply.

Droughts can cause cyanobacteria which can end up in your water. When you invest in a water purification system, it is the best decision you can ever make. And will offer protection against bacteria and dangerous chemicals.


Reverse Osmosis Systems

Affordable Reverse Osmosis alkaline water purifier systems are ‘wonderful to have. Not only is alkaline water good for you to drink. ‘But Is also good for your health. It cleanses your entire system and kills acidic cells that ‘are housing for cancer cells to grow. It helps with your digestive system and flushes out your kidneys.




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